Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bankruptcy Court - The Last Resort

In today's society, people are turning to bankruptcy court more often as a solution to their debt problems. Without significant changes in the spending habits of consumers, this practice will undoubtedly continue. Since bankruptcy provides a type of fresh start for a person's finances, many people rush to file bankruptcy rather than researching the alternatives or the negative impact that it will have on their financial future. Bankruptcy attorneys are important in these situations to help make sure the debtors knows what they are getting into by filing bankruptcy.

The rules and laws of any given bankruptcy court are governed by federal regulations rather than state regulations. While each state has its own laws regarding the process of filing and undergoing bankruptcy procedures, every state must follow the overall guidelines set forth by the federal government. Once a person has hired a bankruptcy attorney and filed a petition with the courts to have all debts discharged through a bankruptcy, all creditors listed on the petition must cease any efforts to collect debts. The reason for this is that the bankruptcy court officials then handle the matter. If the proceedings are finalized and the debtors are granted bankruptcy, either their assets are liquidated to pay off creditors or they enter into a repayment plan, depending on which chapter of bankruptcy they are categorized in.

The best thing for a person to do when deciding to file bankruptcy is to seek out a bankruptcy attorney. There are many different laws and regulations involved in the filing process. Bankruptcy lawyers are familiar with specifics of the process and help ensure that the court treats the case fairly. An attorney will also explain your options to you so you can decide which type of bankruptcy you want to file. In addition, they will typically accompany you to the bankruptcy court on your trial date and advise you throughout the entire process. Many bankruptcy attorneys will also put you on payment plans for their services for people who have no money saved for such an event.

Unfortunately, people often abuse the bankruptcy system by being financially irresponsible. More stories are being reported everyday about people who have filed for bankruptcy two and three times because they have learned nothing from their past mistakes. Because of this abuse, the idea of bankruptcy has acquired a societal stigma that discourages those who truly need the fresh financial beginning that legitimate bankruptcies can provide. One of the advantages of bankruptcy lawyers is that they will accompany you throughout the process and add a sense of legitimacy to your claim.

Bankruptcy court is an option that should only be used as a last resort for debtors who cannot afford to repay their creditors. The detrimental effect that it has on a person's finances, relationships, and self-image is often not worth the relief that it provides. If all other options are exhausted, filing bankruptcy can provide a peace of mind, but it will continuously haunt a person's psyche for the rest of his or her life.