Personal bankruptcy is a very undesirable situation. Often caused by sudden changes in your financial situation due to medical emergencies, unemployment, excessive debt or divorce, filing for personal bankruptcy should be considered as a responsible step towards regaining financial freedom. If you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, here are some of the myths and facts about it.
Myth #1: You can not file for Personal Bankruptcy.
Contrary to this myth, changes made by the US Congress in 2005 allow any debtor to file for personal bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is also governed by state laws. If you file bankruptcy in Arizona, Arizona bankruptcy lawyers and Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers can help you determine whether you qualify for a Chapter 7 (liquidation of assets) or Chapter 13 (re-organization) bankruptcy.
Myth#2: Filing for Personal Bankruptcy is embarrassing.
If you do not file for bankruptcy, it will actually be even more embarrassing to be hounded by your creditors. Taking charge of your financial situation and owing up to your responsibilities is actually admirable and should be something to be proud of.
Myth#3: You will always have a bad credit score.
If you must know, the completion of personal bankruptcy proceedings will clear all previous credit record allowing you to begin with a new and clean slate. Many Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers and Arizona bankruptcy lawyers can guarantee this based on their extensive experience.
Myth#4: You can only file for personal bankruptcy once in your lifetime.
If you filed for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will need to wait a period of 8 years before you can file for the next Chapter 7 bankruptcy. On the other hand, you can file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy as often as your situation requires.
Myth#5: Personal bankruptcy means losing everything you have.
On the contrary, bankruptcy is designed to protect a debtor from losing all assets and at the same time find a way for all the debt to be settled. Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers and Arizona bankruptcy lawyers can provide you with the right information so that you will not end up losing any of your precious belongings.
Myth#6: Filing for personal bankruptcy is hard and impossible.
Anyone can file a personal bankruptcy. You will have no difficulties at all. If you want, you can hire Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers and Arizona bankruptcy lawyers to help you every step of the way.
Personal bankruptcy is a serious but effective solution to your financial problems. Before you file for one, make sure that you have explored all available bankruptcy alternatives.
Natalie Aranda writes about laws and family. Personal bankruptcy is a very undesirable situation. Often caused by sudden changes in your financial situation due to medical emergencies, unemployment, excessive debt or divorce.Bankruptcy is also governed by state laws. If you file bankruptcy in Arizona, Arizona bankruptcy lawyers and Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers can help you determine whether you qualify for a Chapter 7 (liquidation of assets) or Chapter 13 (re-organization) bankruptcy. Looking into local yellow page, you'll have a long list of Phoenix bankruptcy lawyers to choose from.
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