Are you currently experiencing severe financial difficulties and/or considering bankruptcy? Maybe you have arrived at this site because you realize that high credit card interest charges are only driving you further into debt, or you are looking for information about how to stop persistent creditors and debt collectors from calling you at all hours of the day and evening, or youare simply searching for credit counseling information that will help you create a debt rudction plan and start getting out of nightmarish and overwhelming debt.
If you're struggling with debt, you're not alone. Millions of people live under the daily stress and pressures of being in debt. Recent research on the personal debt situation in America reveals that over half of all Americans use credit cards as a short term loan, and have at least one credit card that they do not pay off in full each month. This research also reveals that the average debt as a percentage of household income is around 8.0%, although for people earning less than $40,000 a year, this percentage is in the double digits. Other facts worth noting, are that the average interest rate charged by credit cards is 14.71% and the average household has more than $8,000 in credit card debt. An $8,000 debt at a rate of 18% interest will take more than 25 years to repay and cost more than $24,000 to service. The most recent Federal Reserve study showed that 43% of U.S. families spent more than they earned and that on average, Americans spend $1.22 for each dollar they earn. This leads over 1.5 million people to seek credit counseling or guidance for their financial situation each year.
Here you will find articles, tips and information about dealing with bankruptcy, credit counseling, debt consolidation loans, the consequences of filing for bankruptcy, ways to start taking back control of your financial situation, how to eliminate debt without going bankrupt, steps you can take to keep creditors and bill collectors off your back, what to say when you contact creditors, how to negotiate with creditors, how to avoid costly mistakes when using credit counseling services, bankruptcy law, your rights as an individual, and so much more.
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