Monday, June 11, 2007

Putting Your Money into Perspective

Advertisements bombard us wherever we go. Television commercials, billboards, and magazine ads all tell us that the right brand of shampoo or piece of clothing will make you happy. Granted, it is nice to own new things. But there is no reason why you should sacrifice important long-term financial goals for temporary satisfaction. Spend your money wisely and save up for what is most important to you.


Try to think of the long-term financial goals that are important to you, like your retirement or your children's college savings. Then plan accordingly. Your first step in planning for the future is budgeting.

Your budget is a list of your monthly expenses, including food, rent/mortgage, gas, entertainment, and so on. As the month progresses, stick to your budget. Keep an eye out for any expenses you can really live without. Try to think of ways you can cut costs, like eating more of your meals at home or bringing your lunch to work with you, instead of eating out.

Stop Trying to Keep Up with the Joneses

You may feel as though you are somehow cheating yourself when you begin living on a budget. It is easy to be jealous of friends and family members that buy whatever they want for themselves. However, keep in mind that everything comes with a price. For all you know, these same friends and family members could be wracking up major debt with their careless spending.

And instead of focusing on what you do not have, think instead about all the things you do have. Be grateful for your family. Consider all the things you have in your life that make you happy. When you value what you have, you will not feel the need to waste money on things that are not important. You will place your money where it counts instead.

If you are in debt and would like to find out more about the legal options available to you, give us a call at 888.743.5787 or fill out our free legal evaluation form.