Monday, June 11, 2007

Finding a job after College

After four long years of late-night studying and writing term papers, your graduation is approaching. You may feel excited to put your college days behind you, but have you thought about what you will do once that diploma is in your hands? Your first attempt to survive in the "real world" could be very stressful and scary. You need to plan accordingly.

Be aware that your job search could likely take a very long time. This is why it is extremely important to start looking for a job before you have graduated. The earlier you start your job search, the sooner you will find a job. You will only add stress to your life if you postpone your job search until after you have your degree.

You might not find a job for a number of months after you graduate. Your parents may only give you limited financial help or offer you no help at all. Also do not forget that you will have to start paying your student loans soon. Keep an eye on your spending in your final months of college. You will need to save as much as possible before you are out on your own.

Consider finding a part-time job if you do not have one already. It may not be the job you had in mind when you began college, but you will need something to pay your bills until you finally find your dream job.

In the meantime, use every resource at your disposal in your job search. Try to network with your friends, relatives and coworkers for employment openings. Your college professors may be able to help you find something. You should also keep an eye out for on-campus recruitment fairs and try online job search engines like and

Try not to get overwhelmed if your job search is not immediately successful. Stress is a useless emotion. It will only frustrate and discourage you. Instead, focus on your efforts to find a job that would be a good fit for you. If you begin to feel discouraged, talk to a friend or loved one. It is very hard to make the transition from college to professional life. Keep working hard and stay optimistic. Eventually you will find a good job.

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