Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bankruptcy & Foreclosure in Texas

Sometimes Bankruptcy & Foreclosure in Texas go hand in hand. Many people in Texas file for Bankruptcy to Stop Foreclosure. When people are facing foreclosure it can be very stressful time and filing Bankruptcy may not only Stop Foreclosure but allow you to regain control of your finances as well as your peace of mind.

Foreclosure in Texas a legal process by which a bank, financial institution, mortgage company or lender can terminate or end your legal right or other interest in your home or other real property. This usually occurs after you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments or property taxes. At a foreclosure sale, the bank, financial institution, taxing authority, mortgage company or lender may sell your real property on the courthouse steps at a foreclosure sale to satisfy the secured debt as well as the legal costs involved in the foreclosure process.

Just because you owe them money and may be behind on your payments, a mortgage company, taxing authority or bank cannot just go to you house, throw you out and change the locks. There is a legal process that must be adhered to and the creditors must follow the rules within their legal rights to do so. Remember that you have legal rights and you may be eligible to exercise those rights under the Bankruptcy Code to stop the foreclosure and save your Texas home or real property. It is extremely important to exercise your rights prior to the foreclosure sale.

If you are facing foreclosure in Texas and want to save your home or property, and Stop the Foreclosure we may be able to help. The Law Offices of R.J.Atkinson,LLC has helped over 1500 people file for Bankruptcy Relief.