Saturday, June 16, 2007

Real Life Success Stories

We understand that no one deliberately gets into financial trouble. But circumstances in life can sometimes be very unfair and unkind, especially in harsh economic times. Mounting bills, unemployment, medical bills, embarrassing telephone calls from bill collectors can each appear to be an insurmountable obstacle in regaining a strong financial foothold.

Take, for example, the case of a Mary L. from Milwaukee, WI, a 20-year-old single mom. Medical bills in excess of $80,000 quickly mounted up because of unforeseen medical problems related to the birth of her new child. Mary had no financial assets or employment that could reasonably be expected to even make a dent in the huge bills. She had only been at her current job for 2 months, and was not yet eligible for the employer's health insurance plan. Proud but realistic, Mary asked Legal Helpers to assist her in obtaining a legal remedy to her financial woes.

Legal Helpers was able to eliminate all of Mary's medical bills. Mary and her child are now both back at home, happy and healthy. Mary may now be able to achieve her goal of buying a house within the next 2-3 years.