Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Christian Credit Service Companies

A Christian credit service company will help those who have debt problems improve credit scores, reduce debt, and learn to understand the value of living within one's means while glorifying God with the gifts He has given. Christian credit service companies can pull debt-history reports, review possible errors, write and send dispute letters, document disputes, and keep track of the whole process. These agencies can also counsel consumers about how to eliminate or reduce debt while living within a budget. Using the Word of God, debt help agencies will also impart Biblical values of using money wisely. However, these companies cannot make false claims about report repair or the elimination of debt without actually paying it off. For protection, any debt help service should give clients a copy of the "Consumer Credit File Rights" before signing a contract.

The first step that a debt-help Christian agency will do is to thoroughly evaluate one's financial picture and unique situation. Christian credit service companies will also evaluate the client's credit reports from the three major reporting agencies. This public record will include any bankruptcies, foreclosures, or court judgments, as well as payment histories. A Christian credit service company will then make recommendations about how to begin eliminating excessive debt and how to avoid incurring more. The agency might work with creditors on behalf of their clients or advise clients on how to negotiate lower interest rates or create new terms on their own. A service that offers financial counseling and is Christian in nature will also guide clients through the process of creating a budget.

While working with a professional agency will help with many different aspects of finances, it should be noted that consumers can make corrections on their own credit reports. This is accomplished with written documentation between the consumer, the information provider that erred, and one of the three reporting bureaus. True inaccuracies can be corrected and information older than 7-10 years might be erased. But, any attempt to erase or defraud or manipulate this information is illegal; debt repair service companies are now under increasing legal supervision to abide by lawful practices. A reputable Christian credit service company will encourage clients to keep track of their history by ordering a free yearly report, and monitoring this report for errors.

Additional reports are freely available under certain conditions, but even if there is a charge, it is under $10.00. Christian credit service companies are required now to issue a detailed contract, giving potential clients three days to consider if the fees and practices contracted will be a good investment. It is wise to read the contract carefully: "A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion." (Psalm 112:5) Of course, all debt and payment problems should also prayed about, seeking God's guidance, as well. He will be the truest source of direction in all financial matters.
